Safeguarding in the Workplace | How imabi Can Help Hospitality Businesses

Do your staff feel protected at work? 

Or do they come on shift feeling worried about their safety?

Safeguarding in the workplace is a priority for every employer. For those in the hospitality industry, however - where guest behaviour and lone working can put employee safety at risk - it is especially important. 

We get that, and that’s why we’re here to help. 

Discover our platform, and learn more about how it can help your hospitality business with safeguarding in the workplace: 

Recognising and Reporting Workplace Incidents
The dynamic nature of the hospitality industry means that staff must feel comfortable and confident managing guest behaviour to prevent harassment, violence or disruptions. We’re aware that the risk of such behaviours can increase during events, of which many are likely to be held over the upcoming festive period. 

Mitigating any potential issues is a vital step that hospitality businesses can take to proactively support their employee wellbeing. Our imabi platform is the tool to achieve this with, offering users access to guides and dedicated support lines which educate staff on the inappropriate behaviours in the workplace to look out for. Empowering employees to recognise and report such incidents promptly and safely, we cover every scenario from staff on staff, staff on guests, guests on staff and guests on guests. 

Ultimately, our platform is a valuable ally to the hospitality industry, promoting wellbeing for both employees and guests in order to facilitate a secure and welcoming environment for all. We even have geolocation capability within our apps, so staff members can feel confident in the knowledge that your management team will have their exact whereabouts should an altercation occur. 

Swift Responses to Workplace Concerns

We understand that ensuring the safety of staff members, especially those working late or in isolated areas, is critical in your venues. 

That’s why, using imabi, users can promptly report any behaviour they perceive as inappropriate, particularly when they are alone or in vulnerable situations. Such reports are critical in enabling management to intervene swiftly, preventing a potential pattern of behaviour from developing into a criminal offence if left unaddressed. 

The functionality of our platform allows employees to proactively address concerning behaviours, giving them the confidence to take ownership of safeguarding in the workplace. Staff members are able to contribute to the prevention of incidents and the maintenance of a safer work environment for themselves, their colleagues and your guests. 

Safeguarding in the Workplace through Anonymous Reporting

Hotels and resorts operate in an environment where risks such as theft, vandalism and security breaches are pressing concerns. Mitigating these potential risks allow your venues to provide  a secure and protected environment for both guests and employees alike. 

Users can leverage imabi anonymously to report any behaviour by their colleagues or others that they perceive as suspicious or potentially incriminating. Submitting concerns without revealing their identity in this way allows for candid, safe and honest reporting, fostering a sense of responsibility amongst staff members. 

This feature enables individuals to speak up, without fear of negative repercussions. It is provided in partnership with Crimestoppers, integrating its anonymous reporting function to ensure the focus is on enabling your management team to intervene in a timely manner and address the concerns raised.

Additional security measures such as surveillance and training are also part of our offering here at imabi, as we appreciate that more can always be done to help minimise the risks employees can face. The geolocation capability within our apps lets those who need to know have access to staff members’ locations for safety purposes. 

Improving Safety through Accessibility

An often overlooked aspect of safeguarding in the workplace is accessibility - an inclusive workplace reduces risk and makes the environment safer for everyone. The Equality Act 2010 mandates that accessible facilities and information are available for employees and guests alike.

Imabi can support your delivery of this mandate through the provision of clear scripts for staff members to use, effectively conveying accessibility information to guests. Not only that, but our platform hosts maps of your venues, offering invaluable support to both employees and guests in navigating and utilising accessible facilities seamlessly. 

If you’d like to find out more about imabi, and how it can help you or perhaps an organisation you represent or work for, get in touch with one of our team.

Alternatively, why not read our previous blog to discover how imabi can help with calling out bad behaviour?


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