Calling Out Bad Behaviour | Discover How imabi Can Help

Would you rather bury your head in your phone, as opposed to calling out bad behaviour?

You’re not alone. 

In this day and age, it’s much easier to turn the other way and pretend we can’t hear, than to stand up for ourselves and those around us. In fact,  in some ways, it’s safer; intervening can sometimes bring trouble to your own door. 

We get this. We understand.

And we’re here to help. 

Discover our platform, and how it’s working to keep you and your peers safe:

Calling Out Bad Behaviour: Discover Our imabi Platform

In a world where technology keeps us connected, our imabi platform is emerging as a guardian for collective wellbeing. 

As societal challenges persist, we stand at the forefront, providing a powerful tool to address and combat bad behaviour in a range of contexts, including in schools and workplaces, on public transport, out and about in the street and beyond.

Reporting for Positive Change

One of our core functions revolves around empowering individuals to report instances of hateful or worrying behaviours they encounter. 

This could be unwarranted attention on the train home, bullying in a school setting, or racial slurs in a football crowd. 

The reporting mechanism serves as a critical link between everyday people and those in positions of authority, who can implement tangible, actionable changes. 

Whether it's enhanced security measures, more visible staffing or, for criminal activity, involving the police, our imabi platform facilitates a swift and effective response to ensure safer environments.

Calling Out Bad Behaviour, Anonymously

We understand the implications of intervening directly, and want our users to be as safe as possible.

That’s why, at imabi, we offer those reporting a crime or calling out bad behaviour complete anonymity.

Users can submit their concerns without revealing their identity, allowing for candid, safe and honest reporting. This anonymity feature allows individuals to speak up, without the fear of negative repercussions.

And, not only that, we’ve partnered with Crimestoppers to integrate its anonymous reporting function – meaning there’s no trace of a report and no way of someone knowing you’ve made one

Ensuring Safety on the Move

Travelling alone can be a cause of concern for many. With imabi, you can, not only report unwanted behaviour, but also share your location with chosen friends and family members.

They can then monitor your journey in real-time, offering peace of mind (for both you and them), as well as providing an additional layer of security.

In an era where looking down at your phone often takes precedence over direct intervention, imabi leverages technology to help keep people safe.

What Happens Next?

Calling out bad behaviour through our reporting app is the gateway to actioning real change. 

We use the data to gather statistics about what’s really going on in the world, and inform the relevant authorities of our findings to help them create a safer environment for all. And, to reiterate,  it’s 100% anonymous, we just use data analysis to drive more informed decision making.

On top of this, the app also provides links to helpful resources, aimed at supporting individuals with various challenges, such as bullying or harassment. 

This multifaceted approach ensures that our platform not only addresses immediate concerns, but also contributes to fostering a supportive community.

If you’d like to find out more about imabi, and how it can help you or perhaps an organisation you represent or work for, get in touch with one of our team.

Alternatively, why not read our previous blog to find out about our partnership with Crimestoppers?

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